Monday, October 24, 2011

Golden Rule: Embrace Social Media

Ok, 3 questions for ya'll...

1. Do you like connecting with people, and staying connected?
2. Do you like to be organized and in-sync with the world?
3. Do you love to express yourself in a variety of ways?

If you answered "yes" to any of these, then social media can become your best friend!

Nonprofit organizations need to embrace the wonderful elements of social media and the spotlight they can shine on their cause. Most people love showing what they care about through following specific organizations and causes, whether it's "liking" the organization on Facebook or following a blog. For example, I am a huge animal lover, so from time to time I will read up on World Wildlife Foundation (WWF.) Also, I follow the organization on Twitter and Facebook. As you notice on the very first page of their website, they boldly list all of the mediums you can use to follow the organization.

As nonprofit organizations are rising in number, so should the social media use involved with those organizations.Unfortunately, in the past, many organizations pulled away from their key publics for the following reasons:
  • Rise of the hired professional staff
  • Growing number of private foundations that preferred these professional staff members
  • They began to measure success based on staff and budget growth
  • More direct mail initiatives to raise money without having interaction 
The result? Organizations didn't think they had to share how it worked or what they choose to do, which equals a big huge fail. People need to know the working's behind the organization, so they know what they are helping with and, most importantly, how they can help! Our generation, also known as Millennials, are refusing to take these overwhelming positions at organizations. Since growing up in technology, Millennials support the move to social media and volunteerism. In order for an organization to survive and adapt, they will have to become more educated and responsive to social media initiatives.

A friend of mine from Clemson, Michael Fitzgerald, created the nonprofit organization called MyCauseWater. Basically, every time you purchase a bottle of MyCauseWater, you will be able to donate a portion of the proceeds to the organization of your choice. Some of the most popular organizations that MyCauseWater donated to include American Red Cross, Teach for America and St. Jude Children's Hospital. With the huge variety of organizations listed on their website, you have the ability to support any one that is especially important to you. Being a milennial, Michael embraces social media by creating a blog, Facebook and Twitter for his organization, which builds a larger audience and support group. He has become an influencer who can attract large numbers of new people to support various causes.
Just remember these golden rules when working with free agents, in order to be successful:
  • Say "Hi" and get to know them
  • Break out of the cliques, not reinforce them
  • Give them time to explore and learn about the organization's issues
  • Don't ignore the newcomer-that would be a lost opportunity
  • Always welcome them, since they will come and go
  • Let them participate how they want and when they want
  • Don't be afraid to follow their ideas, even if you the "professional"

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